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Zodiac for both constant pressure and constant volume ( PoKiTT version has been changed)

Hang Zhou requested to merge Zodiac_CP+CV into master
  1. Adding the code for constant pressure condition into Zodiac. It could be specified in the inputfile ReactorParameters: {ReactorType: constant_pressure/constant_volume}.
  2. #8, #15 (closed) Adding Restart in the inputfile to set the initial condition based on previous zodiac run and run zodiac again. It get temperature, pressure and species mole fractions (instead of mass fractions) from the results of previous one. A S-Curve about T vs. tau_mix or T vs. T_inflow could be saved in the Restart directory.
  3. #8 Giving the inflow and initial conditions seperaturely in the input file, and both of them could have non-constant variables. The inflow composition could also be given by mixture fraction.
  4. Fixing one sign for the matrix transformation. For constant volume condition,when calculate \frac{dV}{dU}, \frac{\partial Y_i}{\partial \rho}=-\frac{Y_i}{\rho}. It is calculated by class MassFracsOverRho in 'TransformationMatrixExpressions.h. However, there is no -` in front of the equation in present file.
  5. For 1D case, a figure T vs. time, including multiple curves for different independent variable values is saved in the working directory. 6.Changing POKITT_HASH in file to be the branch including temperature sensitivity.
  6. Changing the main file name from ConstantVolumeMixingConvection.cpp to be MixingConvection.cpp.
  7. Modifying convection term in enthalpy equation: the radius(volume) of reactor should change during reaction process.
  8. More information about inputfile and choices for output could be found in doc/Zodiac-Manual.pdf.

Merge request reports
