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  • Hang Zhou's avatar
    Adding the function which allows setting initial or inflow conditions based on... · 80acac46
    Hang Zhou authored
    Adding the function which allows setting initial or inflow conditions based on database coresponding to the grid value. For example, when we have various surrounding temperatures for heat transfer, and want to have various inflow temperatures for each surrouding temperature, we can read the values for temperature from the database, like 'Data.txt'. We can give it by `InitialConditions: {-value: FromDatabase -variable:T}'and 'InitialInflowData: {FileName:Data.txt}' in the input file. Also, if we want to set species mole fractions based on database as well, we can give it by `InitialInflowData: {InitialSpeciesSetting: FromDataBase}' or 'InitialInflowData: {InflowSpeciesSetting: FromDataBase}', instead of specifying species in `InitialConditions` or 'InflowConditions'. (The default for `InitialSpeciesSetting` and `InflowSpeciesSetting` is `FromInputFile`. For this, species fractions need to be given in `InitialConditiobs' or 'InflowConditions' in the input file. Fractions of species not specified in the input file or the database are set to be zero.)